Tuesday, May 19, 2009

we all had a very good day

Today started 45 minutes earlier then usual. I got some stuff done around the house and headed out for a walk with the baby (oops), i mean Nicolo, my 2 year old. He already at breakfast but i brought some cereal and water and stuck him in the Buggaboo and headed out the door. The weather was fabulous and refreshing. There was a slight breeze and a beautiful blue sky. We came home and headed to HEB for a few things. We had lunch and Nicolo went in for a nap. Expecting arguing from my older son when he got home when i asked him to do work. I sat on the couch and started to read. I had 45 minutes to myself. I ended up dosing . Massimo came home and he was in a decent mood. He did some work and changed into his swim trunks with minimal argument. I was sooo excited. We went swimming. Met Kerman at the gym. Came home made a quick dinner and now sitting on the couch waiting for bed. Oh i forgot to mention my oldest son ran 1/2 mile! can you believe it? i was so happy.

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