I DID IT, I DID IT and I want to do it again.
Yesterday we went to The Travis County Expo Center and pick up my packet. It got very emotional at first from being overwhelmed. I was scared thinking oh shit what did i do. I started to regret that i hadn't worked out in 2 days and i was taking it easy. I was scared. Kerman and Massimo were there, and as always Kerman was my rock and gave me the support i needed. I was able to finish my stuff and sit through one of the info session and got some more support about the race. I learned about the word "GAMBARI". It means keep trying, keep pushing you can do better, it's there. You just have to access it. It was told to us by the Olympic Champion Shelia Taormina. I got to hold here Gold Medal from the Alanta Olympics for the 4x 200 relay. She was there also today. High fiving us as we went into the water and after we crossed the finish line. Thank you SHELIA.
Okay so how did it go?? Glad you asked.
Overall Rank Class 1495 of 1976
Rank 277 of 326
Swim 00:28:54
Swim Rank 1448
Trans1 00:04:54
Bike 00:55:04
Bike Rank 1363
MPH 13.0
Trans2 00:03:16
Run 00:46:32
Run Rank 1680
Pace 00:15:00
Final 02:18:42
SO how did it go? Glad you asked.. I am having a fun time remembering it.
We got there early this am. aroun 0515am. I took the athlete bus and Kerman and Massimo tookt he spectator bus. They got there before me. I met up with them after i set up my transition area. I had to get my tires pumped up, last night our pump broke. It was frustrating and there was a potetial for me to freak out. I was able to stay calm and focused. This am, i kindly asked my neighbor next to me at the bike rack to borrow hers. She was kind enough to say yes. After trying twice to pump it up, i was like forget this. I went to the Jack and Adams tent and some very nice young man helped me pump up and gave me some encouraging words. Okay then i was off. I had about 40 minutes. I got marked. My number 1013. Lucky Italian 13. Then we headed down to the lake. I was toying with the idea to get it. But didn't. I met up with a girl a work with and she was kind enough to give me support. Okay, so at 0727, we were off. I started to swim. I some how ended up towards the front of my heat. I kindly went over to the side. People were hitting my feet. It was ackward and my googles were fogging up. It was hard to stay on course. I didn't see the bubbles everyone kept talking about. I had to get on a noodle and clean my google. A water angel was there, as if she knew. I cleaned my googles and i was off. Back on track. I was at my turn and able to get some sort of pace. I was feeling good. Like i was in the pool. My googles got foogy again, this time i spit in them and it was fine, of course with the help of a water angel. I remember during the swim, seeing booyees and thinking okay. this is the right turn, almost in the home stretch. I did it twice. Not feeling exhausted just wanting to finish. I didn't look at my watch. I didn't want to know, good or bad. I was scared.
I got up out of the water. I wanted to run, but i didn't. I saw my husband and he waved. It was good to see him. I was going up the hill. My feet were filty and i was thinking how in the hell am i gonna clean my feet? I looked at my watch and realized the time was no going. I was like screw it. I will use it in the bike.There is no way a water bottle is going to get this crap off. I wiped off the bottoms and put on my helmet, glasses and shoes and was off. Kerman said he was surprised i got out of T1 as fast as i did. So, I am on my bike now. I realized i forgot my GOO>The biking went well. I
was breathing hard. I wanted to see where i was on my distance and when i looked at my watch, there was not bike info. I was gonna freak, but instead i decided, it isn't gonna make a
difference. So focus your energy on the bike. Just when i was wondering were i was ....i see a sign.. 4 miles okay. I can do this. The the famous right hand turn into a wall. I was in the completely wrong gear. At this point i was
really trying to work my gears. Half way up the hill, i had to walk and tons of people passed me. A bike angel said- wait let me get in you in the right gear and told me the magic info.. When your going up the hill... your red lines need to me to the right... HOLY SHIT!! it finally made sense. The rest of the time it was work, but i didn't walk.
Yah.. It was good i walked, i learned something i have been trying to figure out for months. I finished up got into the transition area and time for T2. Did T2, put on my hat and and my new pink top and off i went with goo in the shirt and number on. I couldn't find my lip goo, but i left anyway. I went towards the run. I was kinda breathing hard and didn't want to run in front of all the people. So started to walk. I walked and took a goo. I
almost puked. It was gross. It was so thick and sweet. I didn't like it. I did it for the sake of getting some electrolytes. But i know i didn't use that much up. I had a
yogurt for breakfast. So, i walked and jogged a bit and alternated. I finally saw some people and someone told me where i was in the distance. I got passed by many people, but it was okay. there was probably about 200 that passed me when i think about it. But i didn't care. The point was i was there and i was doing it. At the last 1/4 mile. you can hear the music and see the people. The crowd was cheering you on, even though i was walking. I started to jog more. I saw
Kerman and he smiled. He pushed Massimo to me and Massimo finished the race with me. Apparently, the announcer told the dad's to do that. I was praying Massimo didn't run to fast. I was scared. At the end. We high
fived Shelia and crossed the line. I saw Kenny and
Kiara. And then I saw
Kerman. We hugged and kissed and it felt good. I FINISHED THE
DANSKIN and I felt good. Damn good and i can't wait to do it again.
Now tomorrow.... I have my procedure for my leg, after that. Back to training for weight loss and fitness. I look forward to it.