Thursday, June 18, 2009

New ICU Manager and Foot UpDate.

Okay after waiting a week. I finally got enough courage to email the Director and ask him what was up- in a very nice way of course. Turns out it was a HR hold up and he offered me the position as ICU manager of Seton Hays. WOO HOOO. Huge changes coming my way. SO much to do before not and then. I am at a lost for word. My list is building and building... dumm dee dum dum dummmmm.. On anther note i went to the foot doctor finally for my foot pain. Turn out I have a stress fracture on my metacarpal. I am wearing a funky boot for the next few weeks and hopefully that combined with milk, i can be back to full workouts in a few weeks. Until then it is swimming and not pushing off the edge, and working out with weights that dont include weight baring... i pray this isn't a set back..

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