Over all a much better day, even if i had to spend time on the computer working on the schedule for work. My husband called me and asked me to do and errand for him. So i took a ride up to North Austin. It was a gorgeous day. When i got home I went to pick up the mail and there was a package.. FOR ME!! In side was my Danskin Triathlon Bike jersey. It was awesome to see. It is really cool and the best part. It fits me.. I took a picture and sent it to my husband. He was happy for me too. I love him.
After working on the schedule all day, i decided i would go to spin class. As it turns out the instructor was late. He locked the keys in the car. There was a regular there who did some sprints for a good 35 minutes with us. The Mike showed up and we did some hills. I got in a decent work out. It felt good. My husband called me on the way home. He asked me what was for dinner. I told him what my plans where. He wanted to go out. Who was I to say no. What i should have said no to was the cheese fries that landed in front of me. I ate, and ate, and ate. I was full. Good thing i ordered a salad. I was stuffed. I couldn't finish it. During dinner the kids were goofing off with us, as usual and i decided they needed red neck nick names. So nick is French Fry- cause he is always asking "french fry- pleeeezzze mommy" and Massimo is hot dog. My perfect lunch. Hot dog and french fry. I took some pics at the table of us laughing. I will add them soon.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Better Day and a New Jersey
Posted by CHeSKa at 9:58 PM
Labels: Danskin, life..., spin class