Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This past weekend

This past weekend, Kerman was feeling much better and was able to do a bike ride. I started off by saying nothing hard, just nice and easy. When i got out on the road i was feeling so strong, i decided to maintain my cadence. It's a great way to learn how to use your gears and it's good for the ole heart. Well the ride out was great. When we turned around the wind was in our faces- but we kept at it. We got back to our car and i said that was a great 15 miler huh? he goes 15 u carazy- it was more like 22 huh? My forerunner 50 was way off... i was kinda upset, because i am a person that just has to know everything- yah know. Well anyway this Monday Kerman came home from work with a forefunner 310 XT.. all i can say is holy crap.. how in the world did i ever live with out it?? My second workout- first one that actually got it all...
Okay so Kerman, loves me so much he wants me to succeed
Untitled by cheska732 at Garmin Connect - Details

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Friday, March 26, 2010

nothing like self sabatoge..

i ate like complete shit for an entire week.. Why do i sabotage myself? I am so sorry from the Kettle ball work out- still. Going to try and stay on target this weekend. Plan is the gym or a walk or ride after i get all the house cleaned and laundry started. I have so much to do.. i really need a maid, and cook and an nanny... the list goes on. But i will forget it for a new garmin 310 xt... Santa where are you?

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tour De Cure

Riding to help raise awareness and funds for Diabetes and a cre in the Tour de Cure here in Central Texas. Riding May 22nd and 23rd...

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Everyone needs a massage.. once in awhile

Today i took myself to Nancy Deu Pree for a glorious 90 minute massage. It was wonderful. She also did some sinus draining hokey pokey that i wasn't too sure about. But i am happy to say my nose is running like a race horse. I am jones-en for a nap like you can't believe. I managed to clean and get laundry started, but i am exhausted. I am praying this sinus allergy, no voice thing clears up and doesn't end up pneumonia again. My cough tasted horrible. Never a good sign. It always happens when i work myself silly. On another note what started out as a hellishness week- actually was pretty good. My numbers are down in the unit but that is because we have 2 one to ones. It is crazy. Gave one lady over a 100 units of blood- still alive but who knows for how long. I pray for the family to find peace in all this and they can come to a happy decision. It's not easy for anyone including staffing. Moral distress is real and ICU nurses deal with it everyday we work.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

amongst other things

So the economy tanking officially hit Central Texas and the large health care corporation i work for. Striving to maintain the mission and stay afloat has lead us to become another statistic in the world economic collapse of the millennium. I am extremely nervous about what's to come and how we have to get there. More then half our patients in any given day do not have insurance. The bill these people generate are enormous. Most people do not go to the doctor anymore- they land in an ED sicker then snot on deaths doorstep- without insurance. ICU nursing has change much in the last 10 years. I use to take care of patients after surgeries. heart surgery, big cancer surgeries, taking care of a medical patient was rare and almost always it was a septic cancer patient. Now since people have stopped going to the doctors the fix surgeries aren't happening and the patients are in because they are ill. I am worried about the mission and the patients we need to help who don't get to help in time. I hope the government looks at helping everyone maintaining healthy lifestyle-getting ride of things that create problems such as type II diabetes.

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