Today i took myself to Nancy Deu Pree for a glorious 90 minute massage. It was wonderful. She also did some sinus draining hokey pokey that i wasn't too sure about. But i am happy to say my nose is running like a race horse. I am jones-en for a nap like you can't believe. I managed to clean and get laundry started, but i am exhausted. I am praying this sinus allergy, no voice thing clears up and doesn't end up pneumonia again. My cough tasted horrible. Never a good sign. It always happens when i work myself silly. On another note what started out as a hellishness week- actually was pretty good. My numbers are down in the unit but that is because we have 2 one to ones. It is crazy. Gave one lady over a 100 units of blood- still alive but who knows for how long. I pray for the family to find peace in all this and they can come to a happy decision. It's not easy for anyone including staffing. Moral distress is real and ICU nurses deal with it everyday we work.