So the economy tanking officially hit Central Texas and the large health care corporation i work for. Striving to maintain the mission and stay afloat has lead us to become another statistic in the world economic collapse of the millennium. I am extremely nervous about what's to come and how we have to get there. More then half our patients in any given day do not have insurance. The bill these people generate are enormous. Most people do not go to the doctor anymore- they land in an ED sicker then snot on deaths doorstep- without insurance. ICU nursing has change much in the last 10 years. I use to take care of patients after surgeries. heart surgery, big cancer surgeries, taking care of a medical patient was rare and almost always it was a septic cancer patient. Now since people have stopped going to the doctors the fix surgeries aren't happening and the patients are in because they are ill. I am worried about the mission and the patients we need to help who don't get to help in time. I hope the government looks at helping everyone maintaining healthy lifestyle-getting ride of things that create problems such as type II diabetes.