This past weekend, Kerman was feeling much better and was able to do a bike ride. I started off by saying nothing hard, just nice and easy. When i got out on the road i was feeling so strong, i decided to maintain my cadence. It's a great way to learn how to use your gears and it's good for the ole heart. Well the ride out was great. When we turned around the wind was in our faces- but we kept at it. We got back to our car and i said that was a great 15 miler huh? he goes 15 u carazy- it was more like 22 huh? My forerunner 50 was way off... i was kinda upset, because i am a person that just has to know everything- yah know. Well anyway this Monday Kerman came home from work with a forefunner 310 XT.. all i can say is holy crap.. how in the world did i ever live with out it?? My second workout- first one that actually got it all...
Okay so Kerman, loves me so much he wants me to succeed
Untitled by cheska732 at Garmin Connect - Details