Oh yah it was a run this am.. okay a jog. by cheska732 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Oh yah it was a run this am.. okay a jog. by cheska732 at Garmin Connect - Details
Posted by CHeSKa at 8:13 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What a week..
This week was the weirdest week of emotions. Coming to terms with the fact that my mother's cancer has spread to her brain. She has been in the hospital for a week. Gone to many test and CT's to see what's what. They are planning to do palliative radiation for her mets in her brain. I found out today that all her other spots where unchanged. So the chemo did put some hold on some of the spots. The heme/onc radiologist is still checking all old total body scans to see if the mets were there early on. After a long conversation with my mom, i am not going home. She and i talked and i asked her what did she want, and she said if she has to have hospice she wants to come to Texas. And she wants my dad to sell the house. I pray he sells it... it's gonna be the death of him financially if he doesn't. Plus the selfish me want them here in Texas. the weather is so much better.. yah know.. Monday night after crying and twisting a turning, i ended up with on hell of a stiff neck. it was locked up regardless of the meds i took, heat or ice i kept on it. As i sit here and type this i can say its still tight. I tried to get an appt at the message therapist and she was booked all weekend through Monday. I was hoping for Tuesday, but she needs to get an adjustment. I guess she'll be in good form for me Wednesday. Tues, Wed, Thursday and Friday i just could not get out of bed. I eat everything in site.. i thought i was eating out of nerves or pity, turned out it wasn't it was just PMS. That made me feel a little better and to know i won't have my period for the Danskin. :) The little things that make women happy. Yesterday i clean.. and you'd never know looking at this house. But i did. But today.. My hubby and I went for a bike ride. almost 18 miles. It was great. The wind on the way back was brutal. But we made it. We came home and we took the boys down to San Marcos and canoed down the San Marcos River and drifted back. It was great. We borrowed a canoe, so size wise it was a tight fit, but it was fun. A GREAT weekend day in Central Texas!!!
Posted by CHeSKa at 5:07 PM
Monday, April 19, 2010
What a shitty Monday.. no really it is
The day started off very productive as the day went on there was a feeling in the air that something wasn't right. People at work looked tired and stressed. Everyone was talking noone was really saying anything or listening. On my way to pick up my son to take him to speech therapy. SOmething said to call my mom. I've been checking up on her the last few days because she hasn't been feeling well. Noone answered and i finally got my sister who was in the back yard. My sister said she was going to check her temp because she said she felt chilly. I told her to go ahead. About 30 minutes later i got a call from my sister that said my mom was not making any sense and was talking jibberish. I told her to hang up and call 911. She got my dad instead and they called me back. i told them the same thing and they wanted to call the doctor. i guess the doctor told them to take her to the ED they did. Her WBC's were fine and her labs looked good. They were suspecting a UTI, but since she was confused and had some tingling they did a CT scan- lo and behold- a new tumor! My day just got really bad now. I know what tumors are, i know what they mean. I know what my mom wants and i know what she doesn't want. I hope my family that is with her make the choices that she wants. The Neuro surgeon was coming to consult on her. I have a bad feeling about the surgery and all the risks that can go along with it. TO top it all off, my fear of not being able to get home when i needed to most is almost happening too. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY... i know my mom would want to see my son, he's in school, he needs to be in school. The cost of tickets to go up for a quick trip and turn around and come back= ridiculous. I am thinking about taking out a loan from my 403B. Keeping some money aside. I am going to look in to that now. The kicker.. out of 9 kids. my mom hated her mom the most. for reasons she made very obvious to us growing up. now in eternity she gets to spend the most time with her? funny how life works huh? My prayer for my Mother is no pain, peaceful death with dignity.. and the hope that my son can handle it too.
Posted by CHeSKa at 10:01 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Morning Fast walk SLOOOO jog.. but done.. by cheska732 at Garmin Connect - Details
Posted by CHeSKa at 9:31 PM
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Hay Mom I saw you running.... who would have thought
A year and half ago, when i started this whole life style change who would have thought my son would say something like that to me.. Not me, not in a million years. Hearing that only reaffirms i am doing right. I am showing my children how to live healthier. I am showing them about health and fitness and moderation, making good choices and self worth. I have been running more and more and feeling fantastic. I will start posting some of my work out. Tomorrow is Sunday and that means and BIKE RIDE... woooo hooo...
Posted by CHeSKa at 6:44 PM
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Weekend in Port Aransas
What a great weekend in Port A- even managed to get in two runs.. yes i said runs. Okay i started walking, but i ended up running 2 miles! more then half of the over all distance. I need to get into the pool this week. I haven't been in the pool in a LONNNNG time. My plans are to talk the cardio to the road and got to the pool at least twice a week. I weighed myself last week before we left for the trip and my weight was down.. WOOP. i bought a new bathing suit.. now to see what will happen with the breast reduction.. dommm dee dommm dommm doomm.
This is a picture of Kerman's ROlls ROyce. I didn't initially appreciate what he paid for it.. but boy was it convenient... i didn't carry a thing.. i swear...
Posted by CHeSKa at 5:14 PM