What a great weekend in Port A- even managed to get in two runs.. yes i said runs. Okay i started walking, but i ended up running 2 miles! more then half of the over all distance. I need to get into the pool this week. I haven't been in the pool in a LONNNNG time. My plans are to talk the cardio to the road and got to the pool at least twice a week. I weighed myself last week before we left for the trip and my weight was down.. WOOP. i bought a new bathing suit.. now to see what will happen with the breast reduction.. dommm dee dommm dommm doomm.
This is a picture of Kerman's ROlls ROyce. I didn't initially appreciate what he paid for it.. but boy was it convenient... i didn't carry a thing.. i swear...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Weekend in Port Aransas
Posted by CHeSKa at 5:14 PM